leah michelle white

Renter Friendly Apartment Decor Hacks

Quarantine has been such a blessing and a curse for us these days. Does anyone else feel the same?? The silver lining is that Shaun & I have been forced to focus on decorating our house so we don’t lose our minds but in the same breath of air, it’s still a curse because quarantine… We’re currently still renting our home so, in the process of redecorating, we’ve been simultaneously dealing with the struggles of trying to make sure we get our security deposit back with each step we take.

When I was in college, I had to get REAL creative with decor ideas because the apartments I lived in were always SO strict… and I’m talking $25 for every hole in the wall kinda strict. In partnership with Inspire Apartments here in town, I wanted to share a few tips and tricks with you guys that I’ve learned along the way about how to decorate your apartment while ensuring that you get your security deposit back safe & sound.

The first trick that I learned while I was in college is to utilize the towel racks that come already installed in your apartment bathrooms. For whatever reason, every apartment I lived in came with at least two or three towel racks per bathroom… don’t ask me, I didn’t build the place. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― We weren’t allowed to put holes in the walls, Spackle any holes in the walls, or paint AT ALL. So, instead of trying to remove the towel racks for more wall space, I figured out how to use them to my advantage to maximize storage space. At first, I tried hooking those tacky plastic shoe organizers to the towel racks which worked as far as storage goes but looked SO ugly and did nothing for the space. One day when I was out running errands (aka at Target, shocker) I saw these cute woven baskets on sale that I thought would look perfect hanging from my towel rack if I could figure out a way to get them to stay. I brought them home and started experimenting with things that I already had hanging out around the house. I found some old shower curtain hooks and was able to weave the hooks through the holes in the baskets for a way more attractive look.

Another thing I’ve learned is to utilize all the doors in my room(s) as storage space. My room is our master bedroom and has a bathroom attached so I made sure to utilize the front and back sides of the bathroom door and the backside of my bedroom door to hang towel racks from. However, instead of hanging a shit ton of towels, I’ve used the racks to display my absurdly large purse & backpack collection.

The last tip that I have for you guys is one that I wish I would have learned way sooner in life, which is toβ€” USE. MAGIC. ERASERS. On literally anything and everything you can. If you’re not allowed to paint but need to get marks off of the walls, these babies are PERFECT and work on almost any kind of surface.

My goal with this post is to hopefully inspire you to get creative with your home decor whether you’re renting or not. There’s always a way to express your sense of style in a home one way or another! πŸ™‚ Thanks for giving me a moment of your time, it means the world. Don’t forget to breathe and take time for yourself once in a while. Much love, friends! πŸ’—

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